Thursday, May 2, 2013

Water Quality

Water Quality
Turbidity refers to water clarity. Turbidity means that the water isn't clear and there's stuff in it. If water is turbid that means it's not clean and there are sediments suspended in the water.
Nitrate is a primary plant nutrient. Excess nitrate causes algal blooms that reduce the water quality. Phosphate is used extensively in fertilizers and some detergents and a source of eutrophication.
 DOC is a product of photosynthesis and diffusion. The warmer the water the less oxygen it can hold. Most organisms need at least 5 or 6 ppm of oxygen to survive. Even cold water rarely contains more than 15 ppm. Summer is often a time of oxygen stress for aquatic organisms.
Conductivity measures the waters ability to conduct an electrical current. Pure water is a poor conductor. Salts increase the conductivity of water.
Temperature makes all the difference of what kind of aquatic organisms live where. Most aquatic organisms live in a range from 0 degrees to 32 degrees Celsius.
pH is the measure o the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration. Most aquatic organisms exist within a range of 5.5 to 9.5
Escherichia coli are colform bacteria found in the intestines of warm-blooded organisms. Most strains are harmless but do indicate the presence of other harmful pathogens. These can cause diarrhea and kidney damage. 

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