Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Underground Mining

Drift mining is where the coal seam intersects the surface. The mine enters the seam in a horizontal direction. Advantages of drift mining is its a easy way to mine, its a cheap way to mine. The disadvantages of drift mining is its not the safest way to mine as the tunnels may collapse killing and trapping miners.

Advantages of Longwall mining are high recovery, lower operating costs, easier to supervise, easier to train miners, works under weak roof, clean coarse product, and simple ventilation. The disadvantages of longwall mining are small problems equal big production losses, dust control is difficult, and overloading conveyor system.

Shaft mining is a common method of accessing a coal seam in which elevators provide access to mines. Shaft coal mines in West Virginia are commonly deeper than 1,000 feet below the surface. The advantages of Shaft mining are that mining can be done as deep as possible and that it reduces the rock bursts or mines from falling off the ground. The disadvantages are that it is costly and very risky as it can lead to fatal accidents if the person mining does not take enough care of himself or herself.
In room and pillar mining, nearly half the coal is left behind to support the mine roof. Pillars can "squeeze" putting pressure on adjacent pillars leading to roof collapse. Roof falls are a constant danger. Advantages and disadvantages of room and pillar mining are before proceeding to the details of mine planning, it is important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of room and pillar mining. Ideally, the mine engineer will plan an operation that will maximize and/ or assure the continuation of the systems advantages while minimizing or eliminating the known disadvantages.
Continuous mining machines can be used with drift or room and pillar mines. One miner can operate a continuous miner to a rotating steel drum with tungsten carbide teeth to mine 5 tons of coal per minute.

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